Water Study RFP (draft)
Request for proposal – Draft
MAGGSOSA Alumni Fund (MAF) is requesting proposals from qualified firms or associations of firms to carry out hydrogeological investigations on the GHS Mamfe campus to select a prospective site for drilling boreholes for water supply. The ultimate goal is to develop a campus-wide water supply system to provide water to at least 1,500 residents for at least 270 days (9 months) of the year. The vision is to have available all-purpose indoor water in every building and standalone distribution water taps around the campus.
GHS Mamfe Water History
GHS Mamfe is a coeducational institution approximately a mile away from Mamfe Town. Water supply availability is tied to the irregular supply of water in the city. In the early years of the school (1971 to 77) students relied on carrying water from the single standalone water tap beneath the giant water tank that supplied water to the City. The water tank was opened twice a day: from 5 am to 7 am, and from 3 pm to 5 pm. Each classroom with about 30 students had a bucket of approximately 20 liters. Each morning a student was assigned to fill the bucket from the tap and that will be drinking water for the entire class for the day. What, if the assigned student failed to get the water before 7 am?
In 1975, the school constructed a tank on campus approximately 0.25 mile from the City’s tank on the north side of the Campus. A conduit pipe from the City Tank fed into it. It served as a reservoir from which water was made available round the clock to the administrative building, dormitories, and the kitchen.
When the city’s main water tank runs dry, within a day or two the Campus tank will also go dry. Students will resort to going to the Manyu river, a good mile away and or nearby swam to fetch water for their drinking and personal hygiene needs, and the kitchen for meals.
At one point a borehole was constructed, about 1,000 feet on a gentle slope (by the Power House) east of the School Water Tank. It had a mechanical pump, primarily operated by students as a way of punishment for crimes, as a backup when the City supply was inadequate. It was not the most effective backup system and quickly abandoned.
Today’s water challenges on GHS Campus have always been there throughout its over 50 years of existence. MAF is determined to bring this sad experience and way of life to an immediate end through the realization of this project.
Scope of Work
The proposed scope of work includes the following tasks; however, the consultant should include additional tasks as necessary
- Prepare a feasibility study report for the GHS Mamfe water supply system per MAF directives and standards.
- Engage partners or subcontractors/consultants as necessary to complete the scope of work.
- Comply with MAF SMART project and grant requirements including but not limited to providing information for reporting purposes and formatting invoices as necessary
- Other proposed services and tasks, as required.
Services Provided by MAF
- MAF project committee members will be available to answer questions in the course that will assist in developing the proposal.
- MAF Office on Campus will be available to assist in a tour of the campus for site survey options.
Minimum Consultant Qualifications
- The selected firm shall have staff experienced in hydrogeological investigations.
- The consultant shall have the ability to execute the agreement in this form
- Liability insurance in the amount of (cfa ?????)
- Proven experience on at least three recently completed projects of similar size and scope.
- Provide as part of its proposal package, a sample report of a previous successful project
Proposal Package Requirements
- The legal name of the firm with physical and email addresses, telephone number, and the name of at least one principal.
- A narrated recommended scope of work, which clearly displays an understanding of the project and approach.
- A proposed schedule and a description of proposed deliverables and milestones.
- Names, qualifications of principal team leads.
- List of assumptions or recommended services that are not a part of the proposal.
- References for three recently completed projects of similar scope, including contact person, email address, and telephone number.
- Names and résumés of the individual(s) proposed to perform the services (including proof of professional certifications as appropriate)
- Itemized narrated cost to perform the services. This should be provided in a table form with a description of each item.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated based upon the following:
- A comprehensive and understandable Scope of Work.
- Expertise in performing the Scope of Work.
- The quality of performance on similar past projects, including those on which the proposed team has worked together.
- The ability to meet time schedules and complete the work within established budgets.
- The firm’s history and resource capacity to perform the requested service.
- The experience and qualifications of assigned personnel.
- Quality of presentation of the proposal.
RFP Schedule (we will need dates)
- Announcement
- RFP release to the public
- Bidders submission of questions to facilitate proposal writing
- Zoom Consultation with bidders to respond to submitted questions and take additional questions
- Last date to submit digital copies of the proposal not later than
Study Objectives
The purpose of this borehole water study is to provide stakeholders with information on existing conditions and to assess viable site options that assure good and adequate water supply to GHS Mamfe residents. MAF is interested in knowing an evaluation to determine suitable water source sites, static and water tables during the dry and wet seasons, borehole yield limits, and potential water quality and recommendations requiring treatment to comply with drinking water standards.
- Determine the depth of the water table and the relative producing capability of the aquifer.
- Determine chemical characteristics of water within the aquifer.
The outcome of the feasibility study will be used to develop and implement a GHS Mamfe campus water system.
- detailed report to include an executive summary
- project background and objectives, cost evaluation, and recommendations of the selected site
- study methods and instruments used
- comparative analysis of the number of sites used in the study
- criteria for selecting the study sites
- an appendix with study collected data to include water table depth, aquifer discharge, and recharge rate, soil analysis
- Sketch of a campus map showing sample site locations and the selected site.